Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jus De Bissap - The Handcrafted Way!

We've mentioned before that there is a drink that is quite popular here called - Bissap. It's actually made from the dried red flowers of  the Hibiscus plant and just recently "Esperance" showed us how to make it!

Start with a bowl full of dried Hibiscus flowers.  And find a set of helpers!

Fill pot with water and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Add some Mint


So, here's where I made the mistake of leaving the room for a moment - and letting the boys suggest to Esperance how much sugar was needed.  When I walked back in I stopped the flow as quickly as I could. They ended up using about 2/3 the box (when 1/2 or 1/3 would do). A little taste (a bit too sugary), dilute with just a bit of water and VOILA

Hand crafted Bissap Juice. YUMMY!

We have a hibiscus tree in our front yard and a grapefruit tree in the back yard in Berkeley.  In the past Parker and Addison have put up a Grapefruit Stand.  When we return - move over grapefruits - hello Bissap!


  1. Hilary! Did you drink ALL that was gone from the first bottle?

  2. When will the Bissap be served in your front yard?
